Tuesday, January 31, 2006

An ode to PPTs...

A PPT a day keeps happiness away,
Oh!..how each morning we pray,
That today be an uneventful day..
When we wont have PPT games to play,
Somehow find an excuse not to attend..
the days PPTs, by trying to pretend,
Sickness, Ill-Health or Pre-occupation,
with tasks more urgent..using our imagination
to dodge, avoid or somehow escape,
the impending torture, the mental rape!

Of listening to rubbish spewed
by a 60 yar old ageing dude,
(with 2-3 cronies standing by his sides,
to hold him if he slips or slides)

All of us wearing fancy trousers and shirts,
the girls avoiding flashy skirts
putting our mobile phones on silent or vibration
but ultimately playing games on them in sheer desperation

Oh the ennui, the sheer boredom,
of listening to stale repetitive wisdom,

but there is at times the silver lining
when at the end with our hearts pining,
we somehow manage to spot the attendance sheet
like goats at the slaughter we begin to bleat,
out of sheer excitement at getting some return
for it is obvious that there was nothing to learn
from the PPT..and so it carries on,
we toil like the hardowrking pawn
in a game of chess,at placecom's behest
never ever do we get some rest
from the rapid fire schedule of these talks
Oh! how my mind balks
at the very thought of getting ready
and keeping my sleepy head steady
so as not to get fined
and hence I play games of the mind
to use my superior mental powers,
to get an early reprieve from these PPT showers
and rush into the mess for a well earned meal
(now isnt that a neat deal?)

and hence at last my story comes to an end
hope u had fn and didnt hav to pretend
a fake interest, that we hav to construe
for we r perenially stuck to PPTs with araldite glue!


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