Friday, September 09, 2005


a four letter word which means the world to some and the universe to some others....
me falling in the latter category...but perhaps i shld quote i.m. on this issue...
she has written a poignant piece on going home and i reproduce bits of it...edited to
supplement my views on the matter...
(blatant plagiarism is fair when u r talking about the dearest place in ur life...!)

My portions in italics....

"Going home has always been a romantic notion. It is often associated with these
misty feelings of nostalgia, of return, of rest, of finding a place where you belong,
of someone waiting to see you. The longing to go home is all too familiar to us –
that ‘phew!’ you let out when the last question of the last exam has been answered,
the last meal at the mess before you head for home-cooked grub.Maybe you expect
that after five years on your own, going home wouldn’t be such a big deal.

Maybe you would think, it doesn’t matter as much as it did in your first term of
where the desire to go home emanated out of a combination of getting to run away
from the suffocation of the environment coupled with genuine homesickness....
But not surprisingly, it still does!

No matter that you catch a bus and head home for the weekend or you trace a
long journey having gone thru both.. Your home is a whole different
universe when compared to a Delhi or even...a Bangalore.
Everything is smaller – the roads, the buildings, the signs on the shops, the masses
of people on the street – everything more familiar and you know you have arrived
to where you truly belong.

You sleep peacefully and wake up to the sounds from the kitchen. You devour and
destroy whatever is laid out on the dining table..and at the risk of sounding boastful
i proudly proclaim that my home food is the best home food in this whooole world...
In the evening, you sip your cup of coffee, sitting in the lawn, watching the campus
hum about in its existential dilemmas...

You would like to believe that no matter where you go, what you do and
who you become, you will always have this place to go back to.

You crave for travel and adventure, you never want to get bored with the mundane
aspects of life – but you always wish that nothing changes at home. It's almost as if
you’re keeping a memento of yourself, so that when weary with work and life,
you can head back and refresh your memory on who you really are.

When you were younger, at times you couldn’t wait to get out from there. Your
soaring ambitions felt stifled in the restrictive nature of the city...much like r
bunty and babli...
but as time passes you realize that this was the primary catalyst for you to aim
high in the first place!
And now you know you need to get back too.

But what for me is by far the most important is the fact that you are returning
to your loved ones. Who would never judge you by any external factors...
for them you are the best no matter what and this unshaken belief provides
you with the confidence to carry on
come rain or shine...thats why going home is so essential...wish i had the
option like some lucky few to stay home forever...!


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