Monday, August 22, 2005


Hulo everbody...the title of this post comes from the standard practise in any MBA course out here of the prof asking u to share ur insights from a particular session/reading with the rest of the class...guess its the profs way of ensuring u remain awake with thru the session...but people sleep despite this threat...anyways i am totally against this Cp funda..short for class particpation...enforced by keeping a percentage of ur total grade dependent on it...i mean if u want to ask a question/make a comment u will do it anyways...and if u r the laid back me then u wont come wat there...
but i digress..wot i wanted to share thru this post was the insights u get out of reading other peoples blogs and also how cool blogging is for my well-being...
one blog which i find especially engaging is written by this pgp1 by the name of IM...she writes pretty well...infact very well...the whole point being that she conveys eloquently the same thots that i want to also but end up doing it in a round about way...
then there is this acquaintance from college...yj...(i mentioned him in my previous post too)..who is also awesome in playing with words, creating humour where none exists and most importantly getting across his point in a hard hitting manner on his blog...
even manpreet blogs but havent seen him update his of late...but it wuld b a great pleasure to read his insights too...
last but not the least another friend from college, gb, has a blog which is fun to read but the only irritant is the fact that updates are not posted too frequently...
now coming to people who i dont kno but whose blogs i read i must make special mention of this guy from iim-ahd who writes about his first yr experiences pretty regularly...and in a very tongu-in-cheek kind of ultimately makes for great reading...and i am sure his blog is frequented by a lot of mba aspirants and batchmates alike...
i am still toying with the thot of making my blog address public to my friends in and outside iimb...the problem is that one fine day while doing arbit searches someone mite stumble on to it so i mite as well let them know pehle se...but still am too lazy/wary to get around to doing it...
chalo ciao for the time being....i guess this is going to b the penultimate post before i leave for exchange..atleast thats how it looks like rite now...

Monday, August 15, 2005

My first fifty to familiarity....

i must thank an acquaintance from college...yohan by name...amazing writer by pastime profession.. for unknowingly introducing this concept to me...its called My first fifty to familiarity and basically consists of 50 statements about urself and ur opinions...i think its a smashing way to open urself up to ur blog :)
heehee now i am sounding zany but probably thats the whole here are my 58..not 50 coz i want to b different and today is india's 58th bday also...anyways now i shoot:

1. I used to play the banjo as a kid
2. I have amazingly vivid dreams at night....
3. and nightmares too and i remember each and every detail wen i get up
4. I sometimes feel I am clairvoyant....and i am not joking!
5. I have verrrry strong likes and dislikes of people
6.I am totally against the idea of having pets...especially dogs
7. my brother loves dogs so i have to tolerate them for him...
8. sometimes i wish the age gap between my brother and me was much lesser
9. i changed too many schools till class 2 and then stuck on at the same school till class 12
10. my life has been full of totally unexpected events at some very crucial junctures....
11. i just cant get myself to even take a sip of any form of alcohol let alone think of drinking it...(ditto for smoking...)
12. i have been hopeless at keeping in touch with my school friends
13. but i have been verry good at keeping touch with my college friends..probably as a preventive measure!
14. my mother is by far my greatest influence and inspiration
15. i was mortally scared of boarding an aeroplane till a few years ago..
16. i still need medication while on a flite...but now things are much better
17. i am totally completely and passionately involved with hindi movies...
18. i havent missed a single srk movie till now but i think amitabh bachchan was too overrated in his young days...
19. i have never had a proper full time girlfriend
20. people call me a flirt but i think i am not even close to being one graph of reading has been on the decline in the recent past and it pains me
22. i still can finish an agatha christie in record time tho
23. i look forward to writing stuff on my blog, no matter how self absorbed or mundane it may be
24. i think st stephens college was an awesome place bcoz of the weird, different, and totally chilled out ppl you meet there
25. i am not of the typical 'st. stephens species'
26. my greatest desire is to go back in time and relive all my happy moments
27. iim bangalore has been truly an eye opening experience for me in more ways than one
28. it has taught me how to keep awake past 4 am in the morning
29. my opinions of ppl rarely change and are most often than not correct
30. i believe in rebirth and a past life
31. i think all the people we meet in this life were in some way connected to us in our previous birth and hence we will keep meeting them in some form of the other..only the nature of the relation will change...
32. i learnt driving in class 9 but have not touched the steering wheel of a car for the past 5 years...tho i totally enjoy driving...
33. i just cant understand the obsession that most males have about cars...especially fast ones
34. i waste too much time at times..
35. i would like to believe i am not a very bad poet....but an extremely lazy one for sure
36. i totally love that feeling u get wen u are in a bus/train/flite on ur way bak home and u are about to reach....the thought of those moments makes me get over any homesickness i ever mite hav..
37. i can spend the whole day listening to hindi movie music of all ages..
38. i am passionate about tennis and would giv my rite hand to watch a wimbledon final 'live'
39. i am a total fan of chocolate and coffee...
40. i feel damn kicked at being the youngest in my class at iim bangalore and having juniors 5-6 years older to me
41. i love the rains in bangalore, delhi, jaipur and every where i hav been....i completely relish being drenched but am probably past the age wen i culd do that for fun...
42. jaipur is the city i would like to get old in
43. but as of now i am totally taken up by owning one of those huge houses on the golf links area in delhi
44. i have a fetish for ultra-clean bathrooms
45. i am a gentle soul at heart...and wont say boo to a goose 9 times out of 10...
46. i am religiously confused
47. i sing loudly when i am happy times i feel i am too ambitious for my own good
49. i think i am smarter and more intelligent than most people but choose to keep quiet about it
50. i would love to be a politician---i get a kick out of power
51. i am thankful for the fact that my dad is in the police--this fact has shaped my childhood
52. i am at a loss to explain the sudden hairloss i hav had post class 12
53. i am a total foodie and love eating out at various places
54. if i culd i wuld completely do away with the reservation policy of the Indian governement
55. i just cant stand rock music or any form of western music for that matter except say stuff like the pink panther title track and the 'sound of music' songs
56. majority of the time i just want to be left alone to contemplate things but i dont think others wuld understand that
57. i feel ill if i dont get to read the newspaper wen i wake up
58. i am a left hander and feel uniquely proud about it...and also a bit brotherly to fellow left handers..
i had a tough time writing this but its been thoroughly enjoyable!